Sarcev Quest

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Sarcev Quest
Biographical Information:
Died:23 ABY
Descriptive Information:
Family Information:
Children:Irek Ismaren
Chronological and political information:
Apprentices:Carnor Jax

Sarcev Quest is an existing Legends character.[1]


At the Imperial Court

During Palpatine's reign, Quest was often present in the throne room of the Imperial Palace while Palpatine read and manipulated the thoughts of the people before him.[2]

Quest had an intimate relationship with Roganda Ismaren, fathering Irek Ismaren before the relationship ended in a way that made Quest resentful towards Roganda, while Roganda would later still think fondly of Quest.[2]

When Irek and his friend Ederlathh Pallopides explored the secret corridors behind the Imperial Palace's walls, they were sometimes afraid of getting caught by Quest, whom they called "the bad man."[2]

After the construction of Lusankya in 0.5 ABY and its burial beneath the Coruscant cityscape, Quest aided Palpatine and Cronal in erasing the memories of everyone who had witnessed the Super Star Destroyer's burial.[2]

At some point before the Battle of Endor, Quest watched Cronal denounce Kadann after the latter had prophesied Palpatine's death at Endor. Later, Quest would speculate whether Cronal had foreseen Palpatine's death as well and used the opportunity to both send Palpatine to his death and dispose of Kadann, who was exiled and went into hiding on Bosthirda with the other Prophets of the Dark Side.

Political machinations

Eight months after the Battle of Endor, Quest felt the reborn Emperor's presence in his mind. Disturbed, he went to the Imperial Sanctum, where he found Carnor Jax guarding the door and realized that he had felt the touch as well. Inside the Sanctum, Quest found that the clone of Sate Pestage was ignorant of the Empire's return. Quest took Pestage down into the hidden chambers beneath the Sanctum, where he made sure that Isard's clone was still intact but no additional clones of Palpatine were present. Quest then erased Pestage's memory of what he had seen, and began making plans for how to remove the threat the reborn Palpatine posed to Quest's own plans.

Quest allied with Carnor Jax, and together they pooled their resources and planned out an attack on Palpatine while getting drunk, hoping for the inebriation to scramble their thoughts and make their intentions unreadable to Palpatine. As a first step in their plan, Quest and Jax decided to eliminate the Prophets of the Dark Side, whose power to predict the future could render most strategies useless. Quest convinced Jax to involve his secret Sith master Lumiya in that part of their conspiracy.

When the false Supreme Prophet Kadann announced his plan to attack Coruscant and invited all Imperial splinter groups to join him, Isard asked Quest to intercede with his old friend Sander Delvardus and prevent him from joining the attack. Quest traveled to meet Delvardus in the Woostri system, where Delvardus showed him the real reason why he wanted to attack Coruscant: his comatose mistress Seledra-Zin, for whom he wanted to find a cure in the Emperor's archives. Quest revealed to him that Palpatine had returned to life on Byss, and convinced Delvardus to launch and lose a series of battles against the New Republic to manufacture an excuse to take his fleet into the Deep Core, where Palpatine might personally help restore Seledra-Zin to life. As part of their agreement, Quest convinced the pilot Shea Hublin to rejoin Delvardus' forces, and asked Delvardus to supply him with an armored shuttle that would accompany Delvardus' fleet to Byss. When Delvardus attacked Sullust, Quest took the shuttle to the nineteenth moon of the gas giant Lununmo, where he picked up the gravitational field disruptors stored there after their impoundment by the Galactic Empire. He entrusted the devices to the shuttle's robotic crew, set it to keep following Delvardus' fleet, and then returned to Coruscant.

Soon after Lumiya and Carnor Jax had eliminated the Prophets of the Dark Side, a series of seemingly random attacks on civilian infrastructure in Imperial City led Ysanne Isard to seek out Quest's help after her agent Vaartsoon found out that the damage was being caused by a darksider, Baddon Fass. Quest visited the Pendarian ambassador Sa-Di aboard his skyhook and asked his fellow darksider if he knew anything about these events. Sa-Di readily admitted that the culprit was his apprentice, but reassured Quest that they would soon be leaving for Byss, assuming that Quest was in the reborn Emperor's service as well. Sa-Di and Fass departed, and Quest made it out of the skyhook just in time before it crashed into the Coruscant cityscape. Quest then told Isard that no further attacks were forthcoming.

Delvardus' fleet arrived in the Beshqek system, which contained the planet Byss, shortly before Palpatine used the seven amulets of the Kaan Heptad to exert control over all darksiders in the galaxy. When Quest felt the sudden compulsion to submit to Palpatine, he desperately tried to contact Carnor Jax or Lumiya in order to warn Palpatine about his plan to kill him. But it was too late: the droids aboard the armored shuttle had carried out their programming by bringing the shuttle in close to the blue dwarf companion of Byss' star Beshqek and using the gravitational field disruptors to increase its mass to the seventh power, plunging it into Beshqek and causing the larger star to go nova. Feeling Palpatine's desperation, Quest pulled out Ederlathh Pallopides from where she had been spying on him behind the wall and tried to get her to help; but then Palpatine's clone died trying to contain Beshqek's explosion,[2] and the compulsion faded.[3]

Satisfied that the threat of Palpatine was removed for the time being, Quest resumed scheming to depose Isard. He convinced Isard to hang the Grand Moffs she had captured after the defeat of the Central Committee of Grand Moffs from a widely visible thoroughfare in Column Commons, and got her permission to accompany Tann Starpyre to the Eighteenth Imperial Diplomatic Conclave on Axum. To ensure he was warned if Palpatine should return in a new clone body after all, Quest convinced the President of the Department of Punishment through a droid proxy that Palpatine was still alive on Byss, and kept him under observation to see if anything happened to him.[3]


Re-Expanded appearances

All appearances
