
From Star Wars ReExpanded
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Biographical Information:
Born:82 BBY, Naboo
Descriptive Information:
Species:Human (Naboo)
Height:1.73 / 1.78 meters
Mass:75 kilograms
Hair Color:Red, later gray and white
Eye Color:Blue; yellow / red (dark side)
Family Information:
Parents:Cosinga Palpatine
Chronological and political information:
Masters:Darth Plagueis

Palpatine is an existing Legends character.[1]


Endgame (19 BBY)

After ordering Order 66 to be carried out, Palpatine channeled the energies released by the simultaneous mass death of Jedi into making much of the galaxy forget the Jedi Order's existence and accomplishments. While not completely successful, the ritual was enough to make many otherwise well-informed citizens think of the Jedi as a "hokey ancient religion."[2]

The Emperor's Reign (19 BBY-4ABY)

After the Lusankya had been buried under Coruscant's cityscape, Palpatine erased the memory of its construction and burial from the minds of the populace with the help of Cronal and Sarcev Quest, using a technique similar to the one with which he had erased much of the galaxy's memory of the Jedi Order.[2]

Palpatine reborn (4-11 ABY)

Immediately after his body's death at the Battle of Endor, Palpatine sought out the spirit of Darth Vader in the Chaos, dragging it away from the protective presences of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda and forcing it to declare allegiance to him again.[3]

After being carried to Byss in the body of Jeng Droga, Palpatine's spirit entered a clone body there and animated it. Palpatine's first emotion on returning to life was anger. Stepping out onto a balcony near the top of the Imperial Citadel, he vowed to consume the galaxy this time instead of trying to rule it. To that end, he tasked Mas Amedda and Jeng Droga with procuring candidates for him that Palpatine would turn into extensions of his will. When Palpatine learned that his son Triclops, an early experiment by Borborygmus Gog, had fathered a son, Ken, he sent out Mammon Hoole to retrieve Ken.

Palpatine's plans during 5 ABY involved creating improved clones of himself that would give him a longer lifespan and allow him to reproduce; gathering life energies to increase his power, including by having his servants kill others, absorb their essences, and then pass on those essences to Palpatine; and building better superweapons in order to cause mass death and gain even more power and eventually conquer the Chaos itself. With the help of self-replicating World Devastators, Palpatine intended to reclaim the galaxy during 6 ABY. However, several of Palpatine's plans hit a snag: Hoole failed to deliver Ken, instead sending only Triclops' severed head, and the disappearance of Nasdra Magrody delayed the World Devastator project, prompting Palpatine to send Sigit Ranth to bring Magrody's student Stinna Draesinge Sha to Byss instead.

When Lumiya and Carnor Jax brought the Glove of Darth Vader to Byss near the end of 5 ABY, Palpatine saw another way of regaining control over the galaxy: the Glove was built around an amulet of Lord Kaan's, which allowed Palpatine to complete the Kaan Heptad, a set of amulets allowing the wearers to pool their Force powers and dominate other darksiders. Just before Palpatine used the Heptad, Ken (who now called himself Qaga Lok) finally arrived at Byss via a circuitious route, where he was subdued and broken by Palpatine in a vicious duel. Cronal, encased in rock after the Battle of Mindor, was brought to Byss by Jeng Droga as well. Palpatine distributed the seven amulets of the Heptad among the most powerful darksiders in his entourage, including Lumiya and Jahar Nefta, and reached out through the Heptad to compel every darksider in the galaxy to serve him. However, in that moment a plan set into motion by Carnor Jax and the former Emperor's Hand Sarcev Quest came to fruition, causing the blue dwarf companion of Byss' sun Beshqek to plunge into the star and trigger a supernova. Palpatine barely managed to contain the explosion, which threatened to destroy all of Byss, by using all the powers available to him through the Heptad. When Lumiya broke away from the Heptad with Nefta's clandestine help, however, Palpatine's clone body was consumed by the effort, and he died again.[2]


Re-Expanded appearances

All appearances
