Djinn Altis

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Djinn Altis
Biographical Information:
Born:c. 98 BBY
Descriptive Information:
Hair Color:White/gray
Family Information:
Chronological and political information:
Affiliation:Altisian Jedi

Djinn Altis is an existing character from Legends.[1]


Jedi Order

Djinn was a Jedi living on Coruscant for roughly sixty years before splitting off to form his own splinter group in early 36 BBY.[2]

Forming a New Sect

In 31 BBY, Altis brought Kuallue into his fold, who became known as the oldest and wisest member of the Altisian Jedi. The two held a great deal of respect for one another, and Kuallue helped to comfort DJinn after the death of Djinn's wife, Margani.[2]

Clone Wars

At some point prior to 13 months ABG, he sent one Jedi, Kuallue, on a mission to Obroa-skai, where he was instructed to research worlds that could be settled by R'tunb refugees.[2] Djinn later found out about the Raid on Obroa-skai and surmised that Kuallue had been captured or gone rogue.[2] Late in the 15th month of the Clone Wars, Djinn received a confidential letter from Yoda, who requested that he discretely travel to the Jedi Temple. Djinn obliged and did not tell any of his Jedi where he went.[2]

At the temple, he learned that the Jedi wanted to speak to Kuallue, since he was working with Sadiya Keldon at the Battle of Bandomeer, where the mainline Jedi Order was not allowed to go. Wanting to learn what was going on, they asked Djinn to visit Kuallue and secretly report back to them. Djinn conceded that Kuallue was rogue, so the Jedi offered him help in his mission to confront Kuallue, and they requested he ensure that Sadiya didn't have any traitorous intentions.[2]

Djinn agreed in exchange for financial compensation and aid from another Jedi, Nan Latourain, who was assigned to go with him completely off-the-books. Official explanations stated that she was a friend of Djinn's who was going with him to help out their fallen friend, Kuallue. She and Djinn took the Klatooinian Healer to the Kalpana, where they quickly rendezvoused with Kuallue, who was chasing General Grievous's Decoy. They joined in the chase, trying and failin to prevent the decoy from sabotaging the sensor array of the Kalpana. They failed to defend the sensors but ultimately did defeat what they had thought to be General Grievous. Upon their success, they realized they had been duped, and Latourain went down to the planet to confront the real Grievous. Kuallue went for the bridge and asked Djinn to chase down another group of saboteurs led by TeenPat. Djinn ultimately agreed, but he was too late, and TeenPat sabotaged the vessel's comm system.[2]

Out of Bandomeer

Djinn and his clone allies then chased TeenPat's saboteurs in V-19 Torrents, engaging in a starfighter battle outside of the Kalpana. He fought well, but he was unable to prevent them from destroying two of Praetor-class Battlecruiser's engines, causing her to crash with Kuallue aboard. Djinn felt his friend's death before moving on, fleeing with the surviving Torrents to the Vanguard, which was one of their two remaining Acclamator-class Assault Ships in the system. Aboard it, Djinn rendezvoused with the Republic High General Sadiya Keldon, and they engaged the Separatist fleet in one last battle. Ultimately Keldon ordered a retreat, and Djinn went back to Coruscant.[2]

During his time on Coruscant, Djinn was questioned by the higher-ups in the Grand Army of the Republic, and they tried to investigate whether he had orders from the Jedi High Council. Djinn lied to them, insisting that he acted of his own accord. He still wanted to deliver a report to the Jedi Council, but in order to do so discreetly, he wrote it on a datacard and waited around at what Yoda knew to be his favorite restaurant on Coruscant: Jim's Coleslaw Shack. There, the Jedi sent a courier to pick up the card, and his message was delivered to the Council. He insisted that Sadiya was corrupt and a Dark-sider, but he also assured them that she was loyal to the Galactic Republic. However, the Jedi did not agree with his assessment, feeling that two many things went wrong on Bandomeer to happen without a traitor in their ranks, whom they suspected to be Keldon.[2]

Jedi Purge

In 18 BBY, Altis sent Callista Ming and Geith Eris to bring Lagan Ismaren and Roganda Ismaren to Plett's Well, while he took the Chu'unthor to rendezvous with Clan Skirata.[3] There, he sent Ash Jarvee and Nor Vald to help evacuate Plett's Well, which faced an imminent Imperial attack. Bardan Jusik and several members of Clan Skirata joined in the effort, which resulted in the deaths of four clones. Altis was the one who apologetically broke the news to Kal Skirata.[3]

Evacuation of Bavinyar

Once the group evacuating Belsavis returned, Altis turned his attention to Bavinyar, which was being blockaded and bombarded by the Galactic Empire. He offered the Chu'unthor to aid the evacuation, and after the Immobilizer-class Cruisers in orbit were destroyed, he used his ship to evacuate roughly 200,000. During the battle, he joined a battle meld created by Kina Ha.[3]

Imperial Capture

Just under a year later in 17 BBY, he was captured by Drayneen of the Galactic Empire at Lucazec using Ysalamiri.[4]

Personality and Traits

During the Great Jedi Purge, Altis looked disheveled and paunched, but he was frequently smiling.[3]
