Nan Latourain

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Nan Latourain
Biographical Information:
Died:16 months ABG, Bandomeer[1]
Descriptive Information:
Chronological and political information:
Role:Jedi Sentinel[1]
   [[Category:Female[1] characters]]

Nan Latourain is an existing Legends character.[2]


Within the first few months of the Clone Wars, Latourain formally invoked her Right of Denial and surrendered her lightsaber to turn her back on the Jedi Order.[1] However, this was all just a ruse allowing her to go on a deep uncover mission known only to Tholme and the Jedi High Council.[1]

By 16 months ABG, her mission was either completed or set aside, as the Jedi Council discreetly reassigned her to go on a mission with Djinn Altis to Bandomeer. The assignment was completely off-the-books, with official explanations stating that she was a friend of Djinn's who was going with him to help out their fallen friend, Kuallue. In reality, she was tasked with investigating Sadiya Keldon's efforts at the Battle of Bandomeer, ensuring that General Grievous did not escape, and finding any evidence of possible treason by Keldon.[1]

She and Djinn took the Klatooinian Healer to the Kalpana, where they quickly rendezvoused with Kuallue, who was chasing General Grievous's Decoy. Together, they destroyed the decoy, but not before it could destroy the Kalpana's sensor array. Afterwards, Nan departed from her fellow Jedi to handle the battle on the ground, where the real General Grievous was mounting for an attack on Republic camp aurek to steal its starships.[1]

She went down in a LAAT Gunship that was shot down, but she leapt out and survived, ultimately trying to take the Micah Giiett before Grievous could. However, he was able to board it before Nan could take off, and she was killed by IG-124, who stabbed her through the heart with an electrostaff.[1]

Skills and Abilities

Latourain was able to slice into Galactic Republic systems and steal official clearance codes, which she did without remorse.

She practiced Niman lightsaber combat with a yellow-bladed lightsaber, although she proved to be little contest for IG-124.[1]
