Niner Skirata

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Niner Skirata
Biographical Information:
Born:32 BBY
Descriptive Information:
Height:1.83 m
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Brown
Chronological and political information:

Niner Skirata is an existing Legends character.[1]


Mission to Mandalore

In 18 BBY, Niner went on a mission to Mandalore with Darman and Rede, where he intended to desert. However, Roly Melusar anticipated this and secretely instructed Rede to relay the coordinates of Clan Skirata to the local garrison, who attacked before the clones could arrive.[2]

Mission to Farstine

The group was then sent to Farstine to aid the Eye of Palpatine. Niner knew that Darman had not been the one to betray them, but he was skeptical of how his brother was so blinded by hatred of the Jedi. Kal Skirata ordered Niner to keep an eye on Darman, but Niner realized too late how far his brother had fallen. In private, Darman told Melusar the location of the Jedi hideout, which the commandos were then sent to destroy. As soon as Niner received the orders, he knew that Darman was lost forever.[2]

However, once he and the commandos arrived, they battle was already over. They were then sent to the Valediction to head to Bavinyar and aid in the Blockade of Bavinyar. At that point, he learned of how the battle went via Darman, who had spoken to Jaing Skirata. When he learned that Arligan Zey, A'den, Kom'rk, Prudii, Maze, and Atin were killed, he immediately felt responsible. As Darman drowned in sorrows and explained what happened, he had begun to feel that protecting his son from the Jedi was a lost cause and that Kal had gone mad. Niner realized that Darman's blind hatred made him too much of a threat to Clan Skirata, and he lamented that he hadn't taken action to stop Darman sooner. During their hearthelt conversation, Scorch barged in, setting his helmet down and asking what was going on before Niner demanded he get out. Scorch did, accidentally taking Niner's helmet instead of his own. After locking the doors and saying a few more words, Niner took out his pistol to shoot Darman, and Darman made no move to stop him before he was shot in the neck. Rede then broke through the locked doors and hit Niner with a stun blast.[2]

Hijacking the Valediction

Niner was suicidal while imprisoned, but he no means to do so, so he remained there until he was rescued by Clan Skirata, who was attempting the hijack the ship. He went with his rescuers to stop the Imperials from causing the ship to self-destruct, but he did little over course of the battle, still shaken over what had happened. He lamented when he found out that his bothers executed Rede for a crime that he didn't commit.


Even after the battle, he remained extremely distraught over what had transpired, which he considered his own failure, for not stopping Darman sooner. He spoke to Kal about it, and Kal then requested Bardan Jusik help by erasing Niner's memories. Bardan agreed, leaving Niner to think that Rede was the one who killed Darman.[2]

Personality and Traits

While being a soldier, Niner had a routine of waking early, going to the gym, doing sets, showering, changing clothes, eating breakfast, practicing shooting, doing low-intensity exercises, then having lunch.[2]
