Kom'rk Skirata

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Kom'rk Skirata
Biographical Information:
Born:32 BBY
Descriptive Information:
Height:1.83 m
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Brown
Chronological and political information:

Kom'rk Skirata is an existing Legends character.[1]



In 18 BBY, Kom'rk escorted Arla Fett off of Mandalore. Shortly upon returning, he was healed of his accelerated aging and partied with the rest of Clan Skirata. However, there was an Imperial attack early the next morning. Kom'rk provided surpressing fire and escaped with Walon Vau and Prudii Skirata.[2]

Mission to Belsavis

After rendezvousing aboard the Chu'unthor, Kom'rk followed the lead of Bardan Jusik, who volunteered to aid the Altisian Jedi's mission to save children of the Jedi on Belsavis, which faced an imminent Imperial attack. He joined aboard an Aggressor-class Starfighter and attempted to prevent an Imperial landing, but he was shot down by an ARC-170 Starfighter.[2]

Skills and Abilities

Kom'rk was a poor dancer who tripped over his own feet when attempting to do so.[2]
