Destruction of Kyrimorut

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Destruction of Kyrimorut
Date: 18 BBY
Location: Mandalore
Outcome: Galactic Empire victory
Clan Skirata: Galactic Empire:
Commanders: Commanders:
Kal Skirata Unknown
Strength: Strength:
Casualties: Casualties:
At least 2 Death Watch warriors

The Destruction of Kyrimorut was a battle between the Galactic Empire and Clan Skirata.[1]


Darman Skirata and Niner Skirata were ready to go to Kyrimorut and desert the Empire, but they were betrayed by Rede, who instead relayed Kyrimorut's location after contact had been made.[1]

Clan Skirata had just succeeded in curing the clones' accelerated aging, a strenuous effort that left many awake for more than 24 hours straight, and then they partied and got drunk well into the night. When the Empire attacked in the early morning, they were almost completely unprepared. Despite this, Darman's message woke up Jaing Skirata and Mereel Skirata, and when they saw the Imperials arriving, they sounded an alarm, giving the clan time to set up a few mines.[1]

The Battle

Ovolot Qail Uthan was insistent on her research being saved, so Mij Gilamar, Walon Vau, Mirdalan, and Bardan Jusik went to retrieve the most important items from a shed that was across a field. Meanwhile, Arligan Zey and Maze went with Corr Skirata to seek out stragglers who weren't with the main group, including Laseema, Atin Skirata, and Jilka Zan Zentis. The Null ARCs provided suppression fire for both groups, but Mij was still hit by a stray shot. He survived long enough to pack up the key research, but he couldn't run fast enough to make it back to the compound, so he was left behind while Bardan and Vau brought the research back.[1]

Jilka was found dead, by Maze. In the confusion, Maze shot Ordo Skirata in the leg, but he was able to haul him back. Meanwhile, Zey and Corr helped Atin and an injured Laseema get back to the main compound, and Clan Skirata began their departure. Zey and Scout protected the retreat by deflecting blaster bolts. They escaped aboard the Cornucopia, the Aay'han, and an Aggressor-class Starfighter.[1]


Darman, Niner, and Rede arrived after it was over and briefly misidentified Mij Gilamar's body as belonging to Kal Skirata.[1]
