Mij Gilamar

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Mij Gilamar
Descriptive Information:
Hair Color:Gray
Eye Color:Gray
Family Information:
Chronological and political information:

Mij Gilamar is an existing Legends character.[1]


In 18 BBY, Mij worked with Ovolot Qail Uthan to develop a cure for the clone's accelerated aging. Once it was successful, they carried out surgery on Maze in a cleaned-out manure shed. He and Ovolot then chugged a bottle of Kedabe wine at the subsequent party.[2]

The next morning, Kyrimorut was attacked by Death Watch and the Empire. Mij left the main compound to retrieve their research alongside Walon Vau and Bardan Jusik, but he was shot on the way there. He lasted long enough to pack up the key supplies, but he was unable to run well enough to return and was killed in a subsequent explosion.[2]
