Admiral Dorain

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Admiral Dorain
Descriptive Information:
Chronological and political information:
Affiliation:Galactic Republic

Admiral Dorain was an Admiral for the Galactic Republic who served under High General Keldon at the Battle of Bandomeer.[1]


In the 14th month of the Clone Wars, he led an attack on the planet Bandomeer, and he successfully routed the Separatist fleet, killing Admiral Veem. Afterwards, he set up a blockade over the planet, trapping the Separatist ground forces, who included General Grievous.[1]

On the 2nd day of month 16 ABG, Sadiya Keldon was able to destroy the Separatist shield over Selbar, and Dorain used the Kalpana to attack it, although he was distracted by attacks from starfighters. Keldon had also ordered him beforehand not to attack the town center because that was where she was, and she wanted to escape. Dorain was then contacted telepathically by Kuallue, who demanded he pursue and destroy a certain Sheathipede-class Shuttle. Kuallue believed that Grievous was aboard, but it was actually General Grievous's Decoy. Dorain eventually obliged, and they caught it in a tractor beam.[1]

After Kuallue destroyed the decoy, Dorain tried to get orders from Keldon, but she was unreachable, so he instead contacted Kuallue, who could hear from her telepathically. He had Kuallue come up to the bridge to oversee the battle, and he assigned Djinn Altis and Nan Latourain to stop other saboteurs in ship's aft and battle the Separatists on the ground. Once Kuallue arrived on the bridge, they saw a Munificent-class Star Frigate departing from Selbar and opened fire on it.[1]

This proved to be a gross misstep, because the frigate was actually a holographic projection, carefully alligned by General Grievous such that the Kalpana's guns shot at the Republic forces on the ground. Kuallue's carelessness resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Clone Troopers and allowed Grievous to seize camp aurek. The ship, already chaotic with the lack of working communications, turned even more chaotic after that, with Kuallue and Dorain struggling to relay orders to other parts of the ship.[1]

When they were attacked by hijacked V-19 Torrents, CR25 Troop Carriers, and the Micah Giiett, Kuallue and Dorain went back and forth on their orders, causing further confusion until it was too late. Their engines were targeted, and multiple were destroyed in the confusion. As the Kalpana crashed, Dorain headed for the escape pods, cursing Kuallue and the Jedi.[1]
