Jacen Solo

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Jacen Solo
Biographical Information:
Born:9 ABY
Died:41 ABY, Anakin Solo
Descriptive Information:
Height:1.79 m (during New Jedi Order)
Hair Color:Brown
Eye Color:Brown, later yellow
Family Information:
Children:Allana Solo
Partners:Tenel Ka Djo
Family:Solo Family
Chronological and political information:
Role:Jedi Master

Jacen Solo is an existing Legends character.[1]


Tracking Veem

In 38 ABY, Jacen visited the Mynock's Roost with Ben Skywalker to spy on a meeting involving Paks Veem. Veem started to realize that something was amiss as Jacen telekinetically moved a small listening device toward them, and he turned to leave. Ben then collided with a waitress as the Jedi tried to pursue, which caused Veem to get out his blaster and break into a run. Ben tried to catch his speeder, but was knocked off and fell several stories, breaking his leg, while Veem got away.[2]

In the aftermath, Jacen was forbidden by Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker from taking Ben on missions without their approval. He was also summoned by Tenel Ka Djo via Luke to aid her with a request on Hapes, and he declined the help of Jaina Solo and Zekk.[2] Rather than calling Jaina on Obroa-skai, he chose to keave a message for her at her Coruscant apartment explaining that he would be away.[2]

Mission to Hapes

Jacen flew his XJ4 X-Wing to Hapes, where he received a formal royal welcome from Tenel Ka, unlike when he would usually arrive by sneaking into a docking by in cliffs of the south end of the palace. Tenel Ka was flanking by Taryn and Trista Zel, whom he met for the first time.[2]

Personality and Traits
