Plo Koon

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Plo Koon
Biographical Information:
Homeworld:Kel Dor
Born:446 BBY
Died:19 BBY, Cato Neimoidia
Descriptive Information:
Species:Kel Dor
Height:1.88 m
Mass:80 kg
Eye Color:Silver
Chronological and political information:
Role:Jedi High Council Member

Plo Koon is an existing Legends character.[1]


29 days into the 15th month of the Clone Wars, Koon was on a mission away from Coruscant but holographically attended a Jedi High Council meeting in which Coleman Kcaj presented a report, then the Council asked Djinn Altis to help them investigate Sadiya Keldon at the Battle of Bandomeer, which they were not officially supposed to get involved in.[2] When Djinn reported back that Keldon was loyal to the Galactic Republic but corrupted by the Dark side, Koon didn't believe him, pointing how there was so much friendly fire, which he believed to be malicious on her part.[2]
