Mace Windu

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Mace Windu
Biographical Information:
Homeworld:Haruun Kal
Born:72 BBY
Died:19 BBY
Descriptive Information:
Height:1.92 m
Mass:82 kg
Hair Color:Dark, later bald
Eye Color:Brown
Family Information:
Parents:Ghosh Windu
Chronological and political information:
Affiliation:Jedi Order
Role:High Council Member

Mace Windu is an existing character from Legends.[1]


In the 14th month of the Clone Wars, Mace Windu led an attack on a pirate base in the Bes System.[2] As of the 29th day of month 15 ABG, Mace was still away from Coruscant, continuing to attend Jedi High Council meetings holographically, including the one in which Djinn Altis was invited so that he could help the Jedi discretely reach out to Kuallue and learn what was going on at the Battle of Bandomeer.[2] When Djinn reported back that Keldon was loyal to the Galactic Republic but corrupted by the Dark side, Windu didn't believe him.[2]
