Varsh Myrm

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Varsh Myrm
Descriptive Information:
Chronological and political information:
Affiliation:New Sith Empire

Varsh Myrm was the First Captain of the Sith Navy in Darth Ruin's reconsituted Sith Empire.[1]


When Ruin first arrives on Rhen Var, Myrm is ill with Tythonian fever. He is represented by his lieutenant, Corporal Regina Orbus in meetings.[2]

By the time Ruin reconvenes the military high command, Myrm has recovered from his sickness. He attends the meeting in which General Loram and his servants, Marlowe and Marlowe are killed. When asked if he would swear fealty to Darth Cinder, Myrm answers without hesitation, stating his allegiance is solely to the Sith Order.[3]



  1. Dark Days I: Zenith
  2. Dark Days I: Zenith, Chapter 13, Ruin V
  3. Dark Days I: Zenith, Chapter 40, Ruin X